
Current trials (auf Englisch)

Find the trial that suits you

Sie müssen Englisch oder Niederländisch sprechen, verstehen und lesen können, um an einer Studie teilnehmen zu können. Deshalb ist diese Seite auf Englisch. 
As a participant in a clinical trial, you help with the development of new medicines. Thanks to your participation, patients are given a better life. Check out our current trials below and sign up!

  • Contribute to the development of new medicines.
  • Time to relax, study or work
  • Receive a nice reward






Smoker or non-smoker

Maximum length of stay

9 results

    • M
    • 25 - 55 years old
    • From August 2024
    • 3 days
    • 16 visits


    • Interim payment including travel expenses
    • Light smokers allowed
    • M
    • 18 - 55 years old
    • From August 2024
    • 18 days
    • 8 visits
    • M/F
    • 18 - 64 years old
    • From September 2024
    • 19 days
    • 4 visits
    • M/F
    • 18 - 60 years old
    • From September 2024
    • 28 days
    • 0 visits
    • M/F
    • 18 - 49 years old
    • From September 2024
    • 7 to 8 days
    • 0 visits
    €2092,- bis €2309,-
    • M
    • 18 - 55 years old
    • From September 2024
    • 11 days
    • 0 visits

We can imagine you have questions

Contact ICON

Do you have any questions? Or do you need help finding a suitable trial? Our employees are happy to help you.

Contact us
Foto van een verpleegkundige in het keuringscentrum van ICON

No trial that suits you?

Is there no trial that suits you? You can also generally register with ICON. Then we will keep you informed of appropriate trials.